
Another semester over...

Well, the semester is finally over. One step closer to graduating...exciting! For the last week of class, we had presentations to do. Everyone did really well and there was a lot of imagination that went into our projects. They were very entertaining to listen to, which is a plus. I have been involved in this major for 1 1/2 years and done many projects. The only complaint I have about our presentations is that I have seen some of the retailers before in my other classes. I have seen Express and Ralph Lauren like 3 times now. I wish that different retailers would have been chosen so I could learn about a retailer that I didn't know anything about. As far as our actual class goes, I really enjoyed it. Our teacher was very enthusiastic about advertising and that adds a lot to the class. I feel that I know more about advertising than when the semester started, so I guess that means our teacher did a good job in class. We talked a lot and joked around some which made the class fun. All in all, I enjoyed the class very much, but I do have to say that I am glad it is over...it means I am moving forward. And who knows, I may continue to blog on my own time!! Thanks for reading y'all and have a Happy Christmas!!


Adverstising Hott Topics said...

I'm also glad the semeter is at a close almost and I definitely enjoyed our class. I think presentations went extremly well and I could really tell we've took what we've learned from our class and found a way to incorporate it in the way we veiw advertising and brand image. I was also glad some groups decided to go a different route and do companies such as Kodak because it opened my eyes to not just retail related brands that we all know a lot about. Overall this class has been great and taught me a lot personally and it seems a lot of other students enjoyed voicing their opinions as well!!!

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