
What's up with Carl's Jr.??

I was watching the local Fox news channel on Sunday night and they ran a story on a new Carl's Jr. commercial. I know right? Another borderline unethical commercial. I know we all remember the commercial with Paris Hilton. I personally thought that commercial was in bad taste, but somehow it worked for the company because I know a lot of men love Paris Hilton. Well this new commercial, promoting their patty-melt sandwich, has gone above and beyond Paris's commercial. The ad shows a classroom (high school probably) with an attractive teacher and she begins to dance provocatively in front of the class, while two male students rap about her "flat buns". Some would call this ad humorous and entertaining, while others, like myself are astounded at what they are viewing. There have been many cases in the news lately of teacher sleeping with their students. This is what the news story on Fox was about. Many teachers are up in arms and can not believe that Carl's Jr. would make and present this ad. It is almost like they are saying that it is OK for teachers to have relationships with students. Obviously, this is not the case, of course it's wrong. I hope that Carl's Jr. realizes that they have crossed the ethical line and are going to start putting more thought into their ad campaigns. The company's primary market is men, but come on, men may think about sex all the time, but I like to think that there is more to them than that. That they will actually respond to something that has nothing to do with sex. Let's hope that Carl's Jr. will do something about it and try to come up with a more tasteful way to advertise.

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